Fuck you Red Ring of Death. Seriously, does this thing just know when you buy a new game or something? I'm sitting here wishing I could play Borderlands. Oh well, this weekend, the game and I shall become one. Or something like that. Oh yeah - about the series. Sorry, just had to get that off my chest. Anyway, like Death said we're revamping our whole series starting with a mini-series coming this winter. Expect much more quality out of us than ever before. Don't worry, unlike the season finale, this is becoming more tangible by the day.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Grand plans.
We're still alive for the most part around here.
After our two-three month epic of promising to deliver a season finale and ultimately just not doing so, we're regrouping our efforts on the future project. As it stands now, we're only in the planning stages, but I'm hoping that we can get something up and running when Wargod and I go on break. I can see many nights of production being plotted out in my small apartment over our winter break.
This time around, unlike our normal process, which is based on improvisation for the most part, the two of us are going to pound out a script. I'm making a schedule of times we need particular people to lay down voice over tracks when we figure out what the production is, how we're changing the world of our fucked up little canon, and so on. So we'll build a process like this; script, voice over, filiming, editing, and sound/music. Why Not? Productions is going to have a little production value for once. Most of all, not necessarily with camera angles and what not(thought I still have a hand in that), I'm going to honestly direct our voice actors, unlike what I've done for the past(so keep in mind that it may get a little rough for those that do voice over in the series). This is going to be interesting. I smell five in the morning crunch times in our future for those that wish to hop on board. I fear that Wargod is going to live at my apartment for a while.
It's too early to start throwing out any sort of plot synopsis. However, I will say that this structure that we're using for the upcoming mini-series may turn into our model of seasons if it turns out efficiently and...well...awesome. SO--we do intend on having a come back, not just for a finale, but for something fresh and new out of the kitchen.
After our two-three month epic of promising to deliver a season finale and ultimately just not doing so, we're regrouping our efforts on the future project. As it stands now, we're only in the planning stages, but I'm hoping that we can get something up and running when Wargod and I go on break. I can see many nights of production being plotted out in my small apartment over our winter break.
This time around, unlike our normal process, which is based on improvisation for the most part, the two of us are going to pound out a script. I'm making a schedule of times we need particular people to lay down voice over tracks when we figure out what the production is, how we're changing the world of our fucked up little canon, and so on. So we'll build a process like this; script, voice over, filiming, editing, and sound/music. Why Not? Productions is going to have a little production value for once. Most of all, not necessarily with camera angles and what not(thought I still have a hand in that), I'm going to honestly direct our voice actors, unlike what I've done for the past(so keep in mind that it may get a little rough for those that do voice over in the series). This is going to be interesting. I smell five in the morning crunch times in our future for those that wish to hop on board. I fear that Wargod is going to live at my apartment for a while.
It's too early to start throwing out any sort of plot synopsis. However, I will say that this structure that we're using for the upcoming mini-series may turn into our model of seasons if it turns out efficiently and...well...awesome. SO--we do intend on having a come back, not just for a finale, but for something fresh and new out of the kitchen.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
End of the Road...part II
So yeah, I can't believe it. We've acquired the hallowed recon, beaten ODST on legendary, and even managed to survive hellish amounts of chieftain brutes on firefight. Why Not Productions is brimming with a skittle inspired palette of colors, but the series cannot be forgot. The season finale has been postponed way out of proportion..but this is gravely necessary given Death and myself's limited schedules. Fear not, there will be more short little skits coming every now and then until the first major break where we might just cut into the finale and start the machinemated goodness. So, sit back, enjoy ODST (I know we are), and sooth those angry voices in your head that say, "I want titties man back!!" Well, maybe they say, "Finally, those idiots stopped producing horrible episodes." Well, either way, we're still happy and we hope you are as well. I still have plans to port the first season to a dvd, but this will take some time.
I bid thee farewell...I'm off to PwN Fr00bs.
I bid thee farewell...I'm off to PwN Fr00bs.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
New Video Posted
Amidst the rather dead atmosphere of the website as of recent, I decided to animate my own short film about the next sequel to Mortal Kombat, err.....the fifty-eigth sequel to be exact. It's rough around the edges and I couldn't get audio into the final file to save my life, but fear not, the video is barely affected by it. So I hope this helps to hold you over until the next feature length episode (hint-hint, the finale) arrives in cyberspace. You can head on over to my youtube channel at http://www.youtube.com/user/SubZeroism
Gear yourselves up for season two as well. It's not going to be arriving any time soon but I can tell you that Death has done some excellent writing, and the plot has become more clear cut than our previous efforts. Stay tuned for the season finale.
Gear yourselves up for season two as well. It's not going to be arriving any time soon but I can tell you that Death has done some excellent writing, and the plot has become more clear cut than our previous efforts. Stay tuned for the season finale.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Monday, August 31, 2009
The bad news is that it tops out at eight pages. I can seriously see this episode being just as long as "The Return of the Addict" storyline from four and five. It was nice to finally have ideas that Wargod and I came up with down on paper. When we get this episode produced, I have to say that it has a pretty good blend of exposition and jokes. At least, I feel content about it. There are some major references to season two in this finale, which I'm really excited to start work on now.
Yeah, so the script is no longer bound to the ethereal plane. It's finally taken shape.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
For those interested, I've finally managed to work up the power to do a completed draft of the finale script. I stretch the word "draft" because writing is generally a collaborative effort. So consider this to be step one in our process. Just thought I would give a more optimistic flair to this website than the past couple posts allude to.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Series On Hold
Ahh yes, as Death so joyfully informed you all, we here at Why Not? Productions are currently out of commission. Good ol' college snuck up pretty fast, but fear not, we'll be throwing some tasty visual escapades your way in no time. Loose talk in the industry (my way of making us sound cool) has been pointing towards our final episode being released in the coming few weekends. This is a big "maybe" at the moment, but hopefully Death and I can cook up something delicious for the machinema crowd.
Sleepers Demon and I will most likely begin to helm the various side projects that I begin writing when the time allows. Look for them in spaced intervals starting this fall. Until then, I'll attempt to keep you posted on the status of everything Why Not?. Peace.
Sleepers Demon and I will most likely begin to helm the various side projects that I begin writing when the time allows. Look for them in spaced intervals starting this fall. Until then, I'll attempt to keep you posted on the status of everything Why Not?. Peace.
We're down at the moment.
College has started for Wargod and myself, which means time is going to be limited. However, I did talk it over with Wargod just a bit and we decided that there will probably be some stuff up here independent from the main series. However, that's when we have the actual finale up and ready for your viewing pleasure. The date on it is extremely tentative now, but I have a feeling that I may have to take a bit of a directing back seat to it for it to get done. I'll probably just record some voice tracks for some of the characters that will inevitably be popping up in the finale. Other than that, as said before, I may have nothing else to do with the episode. IF(and this is a major IF)this is the case, it's left in the sturdy hands of Wargod and Sleepers Demon. Sleepers Demon helped with episode seven, if you were wondering.
So until that's worked out, I suppose this means textual silence from me. Until we cross paths again, stay frosty.
College has started for Wargod and myself, which means time is going to be limited. However, I did talk it over with Wargod just a bit and we decided that there will probably be some stuff up here independent from the main series. However, that's when we have the actual finale up and ready for your viewing pleasure. The date on it is extremely tentative now, but I have a feeling that I may have to take a bit of a directing back seat to it for it to get done. I'll probably just record some voice tracks for some of the characters that will inevitably be popping up in the finale. Other than that, as said before, I may have nothing else to do with the episode. IF(and this is a major IF)this is the case, it's left in the sturdy hands of Wargod and Sleepers Demon. Sleepers Demon helped with episode seven, if you were wondering.
So until that's worked out, I suppose this means textual silence from me. Until we cross paths again, stay frosty.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
So, here we are, episode seven.
Hasn't this been an eventful summer? At least, it has since Why Not? Productions kind of had its inception at the beginning of the summer. Alas, as much fun as it has been, it's coming to a close. We're getting ready to close, lock, and chain the door behind us as the season finale may come an episode early. Due to some complications(the complications being, of course, that the summer is coming to a close right in our faces a lot quicker than we had originally anticipated on).
However, this simply means that we need to get our shit together. This also means less exposition. Wargod and I discussed the details of the finale and we simply need to punch out a script, record audio, capture, and its up. We're also going to do a commentary to it for those of you that wish to actually get a DVD of our series.
Not much to update you on this week so I'll simply skip to the point. Click the picture for Machinimated goodness or pure torture. It's really up to you.
Episode VII: Coming Attractions.
Advisory [Not suitable for those under 17]

Do you like Milk? Love that iconic Jungle Pump? Ever wanted to start your own political debate club? Or maybe you've been the brunt of some carefully planned police brutality. Either way, these coming attractions represent the finest bread and butter of Why Not? Productions, showcasing the best in modern entertainment - if you're into that sorta thing.
Man, that poster could really go either way. Okay, there it is. Enjoy it or don't.
Hasn't this been an eventful summer? At least, it has since Why Not? Productions kind of had its inception at the beginning of the summer. Alas, as much fun as it has been, it's coming to a close. We're getting ready to close, lock, and chain the door behind us as the season finale may come an episode early. Due to some complications(the complications being, of course, that the summer is coming to a close right in our faces a lot quicker than we had originally anticipated on).
However, this simply means that we need to get our shit together. This also means less exposition. Wargod and I discussed the details of the finale and we simply need to punch out a script, record audio, capture, and its up. We're also going to do a commentary to it for those of you that wish to actually get a DVD of our series.
Not much to update you on this week so I'll simply skip to the point. Click the picture for Machinimated goodness or pure torture. It's really up to you.
Episode VII: Coming Attractions.
Advisory [Not suitable for those under 17]

Do you like Milk? Love that iconic Jungle Pump? Ever wanted to start your own political debate club? Or maybe you've been the brunt of some carefully planned police brutality. Either way, these coming attractions represent the finest bread and butter of Why Not? Productions, showcasing the best in modern entertainment - if you're into that sorta thing.
Man, that poster could really go either way. Okay, there it is. Enjoy it or don't.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Episode 7 Now Online
Well, they said it couldn't be done, but we proved em' wrong. Episode 7 has finally been posted (this marks the longest gap between episodes) and I can say with full enthusiasm that it doesn't disappoint. Not only have we mastered quality in a visual aspect, but our sound has improved tenfold with the help of Death's new microphone. Finally we can hear what ghetto man is babbling about!!! So, I just thought I'd clue you in about the whereabouts of Ep 7 and leave the hard stuff to Death (I.E. posting a link and providing a colorful picture and stuff like that). However, I did do the plot synopsis for each episode, that's gotta be worth something right?
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Wargod's Weekly Update
Today I felt it necessary to update all you Why Not? fans just a bit more (I know all two of you are chomping at the bit xD). Anyway, as Death mentioned earlier, the first season is coming to a close. Episode 7 is in production and should be released sometime soon and Episodes 8 and 9 are on the horizon. Think of them as a bridge to the season finale.
I discussed ideas with Death concerning the finale, and obviously it's going to be a bit large. Hence the bridge needed to give it a sense of completeness. Look for it in the next two weeks - seriously.
Death mentioned Episode 7 as a collage of movie previews, and he proves right! You may also have noticed how these last episodes haven't exactly been in the canon of the series, but fear not, we're traveling back to familiar waters.
So, before I delve into some other tidbits concerning Episodes 8 and 9, I thought you might be interested in the DVD that we're making with our series. Yes, we've green - lit our own season 1 collection. It's going to be packed with bonus features, hopefully a commentary and maybe a behind the scenes feature. Due to complications the original 5 episodes cannot be re-released in hi-def but look forward to the rest of the season in pristine quality.
Oh yeah, I have a script for an episode that might be used in the future. It deals with the zombie outbreak mentioned in Episode 2.
So there you go, two updates in a row to satiate your need for Why Not. Look out for Episode 7.
I discussed ideas with Death concerning the finale, and obviously it's going to be a bit large. Hence the bridge needed to give it a sense of completeness. Look for it in the next two weeks - seriously.
Death mentioned Episode 7 as a collage of movie previews, and he proves right! You may also have noticed how these last episodes haven't exactly been in the canon of the series, but fear not, we're traveling back to familiar waters.
So, before I delve into some other tidbits concerning Episodes 8 and 9, I thought you might be interested in the DVD that we're making with our series. Yes, we've green - lit our own season 1 collection. It's going to be packed with bonus features, hopefully a commentary and maybe a behind the scenes feature. Due to complications the original 5 episodes cannot be re-released in hi-def but look forward to the rest of the season in pristine quality.
Oh yeah, I have a script for an episode that might be used in the future. It deals with the zombie outbreak mentioned in Episode 2.
So there you go, two updates in a row to satiate your need for Why Not. Look out for Episode 7.
It's currently 5:45 in the morning.
Why do I work so hard on this stuff? I have seven pages worth of three different scripts, six pages of two other scripts, and a half written season finale. Episode seven is also now in production, the ending portion of which I ruined with some shotty directing and cutting. I'm going to fix that before we proceed to audio.
Also in production is a little side thing that I'm trying to do to test out my capture card. I haven't had time lately between obligations and working on the main series material to actually film anything. The test video itself is essentially a take on Rockstar's 2003 hit, "Manhunt". It is pretty much the same thing and it works beautifully as a way to see how my new capture card handles action sequences. The final product(fully filmed, cut, blah, blah, blah)holds the sweet or bitter answer to that question. It also is my first shot at drama, which is fucking hard as shit to do in HALO 3. I love the challenge, though. Still not as difficult as episode four and five, though. It is, however, close. Very close. If it shat a solid turd at episode four and five, the turd would actually be close enough to propell into the episodes.
I digress.
Also, as a time line, keep in mind that the season finale of our series is coming up in the next few weeks. We'll be back next year at the same time for the main series. There may be some mini series stuff spread in between, though, so keep an ear to the ground for rumblings on that. In the mean time, you'll have to suffer through the bitter sweet tears of the Why Not? cast of characters vanishing into the ether of homework and rehearsals. Well, at least for me. Wargod has free range on producing a mini series based on the Why Not? Series. With a new microphone at my disposal, I can always e-mail him vocals for any of the characters.
So here's the run down of what we'll have for you in the coming weeks in a handy dandy list. We don't have any dates for any of our stuff, but just to let you know:
Episode VII- Coming Attractions.
Movie trailer after movie trailer. Why Not? Productions illustrates its hand at the most dramatic, thrilling, heartbreaking, and erotic movies that will ever be made.
Episode VIII- Remnants. [Production]
The world is coming slowly back into focus as a juggernaut returns to power. Also, some loose ends are tied up as to how Gruff has survived so very much.
Episode VIIII-[In preproduction.]
Episode X- Embodiment. [Season Finale]
Zero hour. A quest for an anchient power becomes an obsession for one man. Unfortunately, finding it may mean the undoing of the entire world.
I would place my one off episode here as well, but I don't want it under the "Why Not? Productions" name in case it blows complete chunks. Anyway, I should probably go sleep now. It's six in the morning.
Why do I work so hard on this stuff? I have seven pages worth of three different scripts, six pages of two other scripts, and a half written season finale. Episode seven is also now in production, the ending portion of which I ruined with some shotty directing and cutting. I'm going to fix that before we proceed to audio.
Also in production is a little side thing that I'm trying to do to test out my capture card. I haven't had time lately between obligations and working on the main series material to actually film anything. The test video itself is essentially a take on Rockstar's 2003 hit, "Manhunt". It is pretty much the same thing and it works beautifully as a way to see how my new capture card handles action sequences. The final product(fully filmed, cut, blah, blah, blah)holds the sweet or bitter answer to that question. It also is my first shot at drama, which is fucking hard as shit to do in HALO 3. I love the challenge, though. Still not as difficult as episode four and five, though. It is, however, close. Very close. If it shat a solid turd at episode four and five, the turd would actually be close enough to propell into the episodes.
I digress.
Also, as a time line, keep in mind that the season finale of our series is coming up in the next few weeks. We'll be back next year at the same time for the main series. There may be some mini series stuff spread in between, though, so keep an ear to the ground for rumblings on that. In the mean time, you'll have to suffer through the bitter sweet tears of the Why Not? cast of characters vanishing into the ether of homework and rehearsals. Well, at least for me. Wargod has free range on producing a mini series based on the Why Not? Series. With a new microphone at my disposal, I can always e-mail him vocals for any of the characters.
So here's the run down of what we'll have for you in the coming weeks in a handy dandy list. We don't have any dates for any of our stuff, but just to let you know:
Episode VII- Coming Attractions.
Movie trailer after movie trailer. Why Not? Productions illustrates its hand at the most dramatic, thrilling, heartbreaking, and erotic movies that will ever be made.
Episode VIII- Remnants. [Production]
The world is coming slowly back into focus as a juggernaut returns to power. Also, some loose ends are tied up as to how Gruff has survived so very much.
Episode VIIII-[In preproduction.]
Episode X- Embodiment. [Season Finale]
Zero hour. A quest for an anchient power becomes an obsession for one man. Unfortunately, finding it may mean the undoing of the entire world.
I would place my one off episode here as well, but I don't want it under the "Why Not? Productions" name in case it blows complete chunks. Anyway, I should probably go sleep now. It's six in the morning.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
EP 7 Partially Delayed
So by now you've noticed that Episode 7 didn't release exactly as planned, but fear not, for we here at Why Not? Productions are still developing it. I have a script 95% completed, and I'm sure Death58 will have something cooking in the works. Of course, most of the time we end up ditching our ideas and forming a new one on the spot (I'm looking at you EP's 1, 3 and 6), but hey, it's whatever works in this crazy world. So look forward to a new episode soon. Tell your friends, your co-workers, your worst enemies. Hell, tell yourself. Peace out.

Now I want some steak with a hamburger and a side of bacon. I might even have some meat loaf for dessert. I can't speak for anyone else at Why Not? Productions, but I'm getting sick of being labeled a villain just because I eat meat.
It's not like I have teeth specifically there for the purpose of tearing into meat...is it?
Listen, I try not to judge people in any sort of way, but this is rediculous! Some very, very close friends of mine are vegetarians. They eat what they want and don't pretend that they're so much better than everyone else. I just can't stand that the fucking support group says they're "nonjudgementals" when that's the entire purpose there's a group anyway. Be like any decent person that doesn't want to eat meat and just do what you want instead of putting yourself on some fucking pedastool like you're a martyr.
You idiots out there will misinterpret me, so I'm going to be sure to clarify; I don't have a problem with vegetarians, I have a problem with people putting themselves on a pedastool. I've always had a problem with people judging each other, and I'm glad somebody called these assholes out.
I should probably start posting on my own blog with this kind of stuff...
Friday, July 31, 2009
EP 7 Now in Preproduction
Well greetings Why Not? fans, all two of you (xD). W357 just dropping in to tell you that Episode 7 is under preproduction as we speak. Last night, Death58 and myself attempted to get the ideas flowing but we ended up killing each other and playing Living Dead in matchmaking. Now that sounds like an episode in the process, right? I can't fully tell you what to expect from this one except that it's geared more in the direction of EP 6, as in better production value and a script basis. So keep an eye out, Death may drop a line on the website later to clue everyone in on how things are going. I won't garauntee it but the episode may possibly enter youtube land today. Take it easy and shred some insanity.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
I don't know why, but I felt like anyone that has ever played any multiplayer in HALO(CE, 2, or 3)should watch this video. Also, the fake commercial in the center made me laugh for about five minutes. It's called "HALO 3 Noob Olympics". The cats behind are whifffproductions. Their other videos are just as good, but the particular one in the link is something that is universal.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Episode six is already here.
Now that wasn't such a bad wait, was it? The day after we finished up production on episode five, we decided it was a good idea to write the next episode and film it. We planned an episode that wouldn't be quite as epic in nature as the past two have been. We actually succeeded in what we set out to do this time around.
Normally, our process has involved filming a lot of footage with one central idea. Although, to be fair, in the last episode we had more of a rough framing of what was actually going to happen with it than in the past. However, this new episode is kind of an experiment of sorts, and it was a success from a production stand point. Our production time was literally cut in three quarters.
We're definitely working from scripts from now on. The dialogue felt a lot more consistent in episode six than in any other episode except for episode one. There aren't really any dead spots other than one, which was on purpose and a mistake all wrapped in a fat, roll of self loathing.
Wargod357 really amped up the audio in this episode. The voices are a lot more crisp. Even more apparent is the huge leap in video quality we've taken in this episode. Again, this is attributed to the expertise of Wargod357. Needless to say, we were pretty fucking stoked at the end of the night.
Couple of notes before you bury your proverbial penis(click the link) into the proverbial vagina(watch the episode). That's assuming you swing that way, by the by. Change the proverbial [blank] to whatever suits your gender and sexual orientation. Sorry for the tangent. Just thought I would let you know that if the directing sucks in this episode, blame it on me(Death58). I thought it was a cool idea and something we hadn't done before. If you don't enjoy it, then I fucked up.
Also, SinSanity is missing from the episode. He'll be back soon enough with an upcoming episode that I'm going to co-write with him, as well as a new character for the stable. Well, sort of. Just wait and see what we have in store.
Anyway, click the episode picture below to view. I should probably mention that this is definitely outside the canon of the series. It does provide most of the characters you know and love(or at least want to take on a date once then never call again).
Episode VI: True American Biographies - Why Not? Productions
Advisory[Not suitable for those under 17]
Channel 357 news has recently decided to re-air some controversial footage of their mysterious trek into the depths of Why Not? Productions. Join reporter Dick Grabbin as he explores the set and meets the cast.
There you have it. Comedy with a bow in a nice six and a half minute video.
Enjoy it or don't.
Now that wasn't such a bad wait, was it? The day after we finished up production on episode five, we decided it was a good idea to write the next episode and film it. We planned an episode that wouldn't be quite as epic in nature as the past two have been. We actually succeeded in what we set out to do this time around.
Normally, our process has involved filming a lot of footage with one central idea. Although, to be fair, in the last episode we had more of a rough framing of what was actually going to happen with it than in the past. However, this new episode is kind of an experiment of sorts, and it was a success from a production stand point. Our production time was literally cut in three quarters.
We're definitely working from scripts from now on. The dialogue felt a lot more consistent in episode six than in any other episode except for episode one. There aren't really any dead spots other than one, which was on purpose and a mistake all wrapped in a fat, roll of self loathing.
Wargod357 really amped up the audio in this episode. The voices are a lot more crisp. Even more apparent is the huge leap in video quality we've taken in this episode. Again, this is attributed to the expertise of Wargod357. Needless to say, we were pretty fucking stoked at the end of the night.
Couple of notes before you bury your proverbial penis(click the link) into the proverbial vagina(watch the episode). That's assuming you swing that way, by the by. Change the proverbial [blank] to whatever suits your gender and sexual orientation. Sorry for the tangent. Just thought I would let you know that if the directing sucks in this episode, blame it on me(Death58). I thought it was a cool idea and something we hadn't done before. If you don't enjoy it, then I fucked up.
Also, SinSanity is missing from the episode. He'll be back soon enough with an upcoming episode that I'm going to co-write with him, as well as a new character for the stable. Well, sort of. Just wait and see what we have in store.
Anyway, click the episode picture below to view. I should probably mention that this is definitely outside the canon of the series. It does provide most of the characters you know and love(or at least want to take on a date once then never call again).
Episode VI: True American Biographies - Why Not? Productions
Advisory[Not suitable for those under 17]

Channel 357 news has recently decided to re-air some controversial footage of their mysterious trek into the depths of Why Not? Productions. Join reporter Dick Grabbin as he explores the set and meets the cast.
There you have it. Comedy with a bow in a nice six and a half minute video.
Enjoy it or don't.
Greetings From Yours Truly

Well hello Why Not? fans, this is WARGOD 357 welcoming myself to the blog. Yes, I can do that.
Above you can see a picture of me, actually I'm the one in blue, just to give you a visual. So, about the important stuff.
Ahh yes, episode VI is underway right now and is being uploaded as we speak. Death58 should have some insightful comments about the production and what not, so I'll leave the fancy work to him. Anyways, take care and shred some insanity.
Monday, July 27, 2009
We managed to knock out both parts to "The Return of the Addict" in just over 30 hours.

There's the episode. Enjoy it or don't.
Not bad, considering it took us nearly twenty hours to complete "No John Woo Needed. . .". All in all, this is our best work to date. Our mistakes aren't nearly as apparent as our last few episodes.
Complaining about hours of work spent on our videos aside, we here at Why Not? Productions are truly proud to release this episode.
Complaining about hours of work spent on our videos aside, we here at Why Not? Productions are truly proud to release this episode.
There's a couple of notes before viewing. SinSanity wasn't able to voice Titties Man this episode, which is sad considering the moment in episode four when he starts to laugh as he says "titties" is one of the funniest moments in our series. He was busy and we wanted to film like a couple of addicts. At least he still got credit for the song "We Love Dick", and rightfully so. It's probably one of the funniest moments in the entire episode in my opinion. We'll probably do a music video in the future for it with the entire song.
So here it is, fresh off the presses, episode five. This is probably the last ten minute episode we do until the finale. From here on out it's going to only be five or six minute long episodes. The season finale is going to bone us without the courtesy of taking us out for dinner.
Click the episode picture to watch.
Episode V: The Return of the Addict (Part II)
Advisory[Not suitable for those under 17]

Titties Man has been discovered and his citadel compromised. The T-Bag Addict and his dastardly minions make one last breach into the complex determined to carry out their plan. Who will survive?
Titties Man has been discovered and his citadel compromised. The T-Bag Addict and his dastardly minions make one last breach into the complex determined to carry out their plan. Who will survive?
Friday, July 24, 2009
Four episodes out of the way, one in production.
Not necessarily the hard core production in which Wargod357 and I spend hours upon hours staring at the same computer screen until eventually the blood vessels in our eyes explode and then we cry tears of blood. However, the final products are worth it and we usually sit back and giggle about them incessantly. We're so clever.
While the zero of you are sitting back and enjoying the current episode, I thought I would drop a line on some stuff going on in the Machinima world. Digital Ph33r(the cat that did Deus Ex Machina and Arby n' the Chief)is back with yet another HALO 3 show, and it seems like it may have some potential. "One Life Remaining" is definitely not the normal HALO 3 Machinima fan fare, and the first episode might be a little jarring. However, I feel like if you give it a chance, something new and good is on the horizon.
Another little internet trinket I latched hold of was a series called "Dimension X". I haven't quite had the time to sit down and watch it, but from the minute or two I did have a chance to watch, I was fucking blown away. It's done by a crew called Blood Signature Productions. People should watch this. Of course, it's already onto it's third season, so I would suggest finding the other episodes first.
Then I thought I would end this post with something a little non-HALO style. It's a Half-Life 2 Machinima that took me by such suprise that it knocked me over the head until my brain goodies were scattered all over the ground. It's done by a production company called Pixel Eyes Productions. I don't really know much about thier past work, but you should probably check out "Shelf-Life". The name has an extra dose of cheese(which says nothing about their work, god knows our shit has a healthy dosage), but their stuff is really something to see. Machinimators should aspire to be like these guys.
Keep an eye out for the shit we do too, if you come here. Hopefully the fourth episode was an indication that we're finally getting the hang of it. Be ready for episode five, part 2. It's going to be fucking awesome, minus a song like we had in episode four at the end.
I have shitty vocals.
Not necessarily the hard core production in which Wargod357 and I spend hours upon hours staring at the same computer screen until eventually the blood vessels in our eyes explode and then we cry tears of blood. However, the final products are worth it and we usually sit back and giggle about them incessantly. We're so clever.
While the zero of you are sitting back and enjoying the current episode, I thought I would drop a line on some stuff going on in the Machinima world. Digital Ph33r(the cat that did Deus Ex Machina and Arby n' the Chief)is back with yet another HALO 3 show, and it seems like it may have some potential. "One Life Remaining" is definitely not the normal HALO 3 Machinima fan fare, and the first episode might be a little jarring. However, I feel like if you give it a chance, something new and good is on the horizon.
Another little internet trinket I latched hold of was a series called "Dimension X". I haven't quite had the time to sit down and watch it, but from the minute or two I did have a chance to watch, I was fucking blown away. It's done by a crew called Blood Signature Productions. People should watch this. Of course, it's already onto it's third season, so I would suggest finding the other episodes first.
Then I thought I would end this post with something a little non-HALO style. It's a Half-Life 2 Machinima that took me by such suprise that it knocked me over the head until my brain goodies were scattered all over the ground. It's done by a production company called Pixel Eyes Productions. I don't really know much about thier past work, but you should probably check out "Shelf-Life". The name has an extra dose of cheese(which says nothing about their work, god knows our shit has a healthy dosage), but their stuff is really something to see. Machinimators should aspire to be like these guys.
Keep an eye out for the shit we do too, if you come here. Hopefully the fourth episode was an indication that we're finally getting the hang of it. Be ready for episode five, part 2. It's going to be fucking awesome, minus a song like we had in episode four at the end.
I have shitty vocals.

After 20+ hours of production over a two day span, I'm not shocked that blood came gushing out of my head. When we were done with production on it, my fellow Why Not? Productions director and I basked in the fresh from the oven smell left by our video.
To say it was a nice feeling is probably an understatement.
Overall, with the help of SinSanity(whom actually had a massive hand in our series pilot), it feels like the first video which has a nice balance of comedy and action. Directing wise, we're still coming into our own. Personally, I feel as though I need to serve the parameters of the story a bit better with the camera angles. I'm always too afraid of close ups on the characters, mostly because the lifeless visors worry me a bit. Wargod357 seems to have hit it out of the park with this particular episode, having directed the middle section of it, which seems to have the best flow of the entire piece.
All in all, production went well. Are we to rival "Red vs Blue"? No, and probably not Digital Ph33r worthy quite yet(other than our directing). Perhaps more along the lines of "The Heart is a Lonely Hunter", an underrated half hour little gem lost in the depths between HALO: Combat Evolved and HALO 2.
You'll find the episode at the handy dandy link to the right of the page, a mere mouse drag away.
EPISODE 4: The Return of the Addict (Part I)
Advisory[Not suitable for those under 17]
The purple colored fiend from Private Lessons is back with a vengeance. In this installment, we learn of a terrible conspiracy which threatens the life of Titties Man. Will he be able to save himself or will the Addict have the final say? After nearly a year SinSanity returns to voice Tman and the Addict's soldiers.
There you have it. The episode should be up later today(it's currently six in the morning). Enjoy it or don't.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Hello there strange, strange strangers of the internet.
You're quite possibly wondering what this particular blog is about. It's about the state of things going on with a Machinima series(with most of my personal views of the universe and everything mixed in)that is still in production and simply a way to provide commentary on all the hard work we do when we film an episode from the series we don't feel like naming.
I give my word, it's completely of the highest quality. Well, perhaps in the margin of error. We have the best a studio can offer.(Picture up right)
Rodeo clowns aside, for the first text log I suppose there should actually be something to talk about of interest. It's about two in the morning. That makes me an edgy, mysterious individual. People dig that complicated crap.
Which brings me to my first point: I hate people.
Nothing personal, I just don't understand the human condition. There's so much sweating and yearning for sexual contact. That simply isn't sanitary. No sir. Personally, I don't actually sweat, I had a heat sink installed in my chest.
Machine parts aside, just realize that here at Why Not? Productions, we don't care about your opinion. Simply put, it would be a waste of processing space.
For some reason I feel like I screwed this first post up.
I give my word, it's completely of the highest quality. Well, perhaps in the margin of error. We have the best a studio can offer.(Picture up right)
Rodeo clowns aside, for the first text log I suppose there should actually be something to talk about of interest. It's about two in the morning. That makes me an edgy, mysterious individual. People dig that complicated crap.
Which brings me to my first point: I hate people.
Nothing personal, I just don't understand the human condition. There's so much sweating and yearning for sexual contact. That simply isn't sanitary. No sir. Personally, I don't actually sweat, I had a heat sink installed in my chest.
Machine parts aside, just realize that here at Why Not? Productions, we don't care about your opinion. Simply put, it would be a waste of processing space.
For some reason I feel like I screwed this first post up.
Oh well, I've no time to worry about that now.
Over and out.
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