Hasn't this been an eventful summer? At least, it has since Why Not? Productions kind of had its inception at the beginning of the summer. Alas, as much fun as it has been, it's coming to a close. We're getting ready to close, lock, and chain the door behind us as the season finale may come an episode early. Due to some complications(the complications being, of course, that the summer is coming to a close right in our faces a lot quicker than we had originally anticipated on).
However, this simply means that we need to get our shit together. This also means less exposition. Wargod and I discussed the details of the finale and we simply need to punch out a script, record audio, capture, and its up. We're also going to do a commentary to it for those of you that wish to actually get a DVD of our series.
Not much to update you on this week so I'll simply skip to the point. Click the picture for Machinimated goodness or pure torture. It's really up to you.
Episode VII: Coming Attractions.
Advisory [Not suitable for those under 17]

Do you like Milk? Love that iconic Jungle Pump? Ever wanted to start your own political debate club? Or maybe you've been the brunt of some carefully planned police brutality. Either way, these coming attractions represent the finest bread and butter of Why Not? Productions, showcasing the best in modern entertainment - if you're into that sorta thing.
Man, that poster could really go either way. Okay, there it is. Enjoy it or don't.
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