Friday, July 24, 2009


Four episodes out of the way, one in production.

Not necessarily the hard core production in which Wargod357 and I spend hours upon hours staring at the same computer screen until eventually the blood vessels in our eyes explode and then we cry tears of blood. However, the final products are worth it and we usually sit back and giggle about them incessantly. We're so clever.

While the zero of you are sitting back and enjoying the current episode, I thought I would drop a line on some stuff going on in the Machinima world. Digital Ph33r(the cat that did Deus Ex Machina and Arby n' the Chief)is back with yet another HALO 3 show, and it seems like it may have some potential. "One Life Remaining" is definitely not the normal HALO 3 Machinima fan fare, and the first episode might be a little jarring. However, I feel like if you give it a chance, something new and good is on the horizon.

Another little internet trinket I latched hold of was a series called "Dimension X". I haven't quite had the time to sit down and watch it, but from the minute or two I did have a chance to watch, I was fucking blown away. It's done by a crew called Blood Signature Productions. People should watch this. Of course, it's already onto it's third season, so I would suggest finding the other episodes first.

Then I thought I would end this post with something a little non-HALO style. It's a Half-Life 2 Machinima that took me by such suprise that it knocked me over the head until my brain goodies were scattered all over the ground. It's done by a production company called Pixel Eyes Productions. I don't really know much about thier past work, but you should probably check out "Shelf-Life". The name has an extra dose of cheese(which says nothing about their work, god knows our shit has a healthy dosage), but their stuff is really something to see. Machinimators should aspire to be like these guys.

Keep an eye out for the shit we do too, if you come here. Hopefully the fourth episode was an indication that we're finally getting the hang of it. Be ready for episode five, part 2. It's going to be fucking awesome, minus a song like we had in episode four at the end.

I have shitty vocals.


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