The bad news is that it tops out at eight pages. I can seriously see this episode being just as long as "The Return of the Addict" storyline from four and five. It was nice to finally have ideas that Wargod and I came up with down on paper. When we get this episode produced, I have to say that it has a pretty good blend of exposition and jokes. At least, I feel content about it. There are some major references to season two in this finale, which I'm really excited to start work on now.
Yeah, so the script is no longer bound to the ethereal plane. It's finally taken shape.
For those interested, I've finally managed to work up the power to do a completed draft of the finale script. I stretch the word "draft" because writing is generally a collaborative effort. So consider this to be step one in our process. Just thought I would give a more optimistic flair to this website than the past couple posts allude to.
Ahh yes, as Death so joyfully informed you all, we here at Why Not? Productions are currently out of commission. Good ol' college snuck up pretty fast, but fear not, we'll be throwing some tasty visual escapades your way in no time. Loose talk in the industry (my way of making us sound cool) has been pointing towards our final episode being released in the coming few weekends. This is a big "maybe" at the moment, but hopefully Death and I can cook up something delicious for the machinema crowd.
Sleepers Demon and I will most likely begin to helm the various side projects that I begin writing when the time allows. Look for them in spaced intervals starting this fall. Until then, I'll attempt to keep you posted on the status of everything Why Not?. Peace.
College has started for Wargod and myself, which means time is going to be limited. However, I did talk it over with Wargod just a bit and we decided that there will probably be some stuff up here independent from the main series. However, that's when we have the actual finale up and ready for your viewing pleasure. The date on it is extremely tentative now, but I have a feeling that I may have to take a bit of a directing back seat to it for it to get done. I'll probably just record some voice tracks for some of the characters that will inevitably be popping up in the finale. Other than that, as said before, I may have nothing else to do with the episode. IF(and this is a major IF)this is the case, it's left in the sturdy hands of Wargod and Sleepers Demon. Sleepers Demon helped with episode seven, if you were wondering.
So until that's worked out, I suppose this means textual silence from me. Until we cross paths again, stay frosty.
Hasn't this been an eventful summer? At least, it has since Why Not? Productions kind of had its inception at the beginning of the summer. Alas, as much fun as it has been, it's coming to a close. We're getting ready to close, lock, and chain the door behind us as the season finale may come an episode early. Due to some complications(the complications being, of course, that the summer is coming to a close right in our faces a lot quicker than we had originally anticipated on).
However, this simply means that we need to get our shit together. This also means less exposition. Wargod and I discussed the details of the finale and we simply need to punch out a script, record audio, capture, and its up. We're also going to do a commentary to it for those of you that wish to actually get a DVD of our series.
Not much to update you on this week so I'll simply skip to the point. Click the picture for Machinimated goodness or pure torture. It's really up to you.
Episode VII: Coming Attractions. Advisory [Not suitable for those under 17] SUMMARY: Do you like Milk? Love that iconic Jungle Pump? Ever wanted to start your own political debate club? Or maybe you've been the brunt of some carefully planned police brutality. Either way, these coming attractions represent the finest bread and butter of Why Not? Productions, showcasing the best in modern entertainment - if you're into that sorta thing.
Man, that poster could really go either way. Okay, there it is. Enjoy it or don't.
Well, they said it couldn't be done, but we proved em' wrong. Episode 7 has finally been posted (this marks the longest gap between episodes) and I can say with full enthusiasm that it doesn't disappoint. Not only have we mastered quality in a visual aspect, but our sound has improved tenfold with the help of Death's new microphone. Finally we can hear what ghetto man is babbling about!!! So, I just thought I'd clue you in about the whereabouts of Ep 7 and leave the hard stuff to Death (I.E. posting a link and providing a colorful picture and stuff like that). However, I did do the plot synopsis for each episode, that's gotta be worth something right? WARGOD out.
Today I felt it necessary to update all you Why Not? fans just a bit more (I know all two of you are chomping at the bit xD). Anyway, as Death mentioned earlier, the first season is coming to a close. Episode 7 is in production and should be released sometime soon and Episodes 8 and 9 are on the horizon. Think of them as a bridge to the season finale.
I discussed ideas with Death concerning the finale, and obviously it's going to be a bit large. Hence the bridge needed to give it a sense of completeness. Look for it in the next two weeks - seriously.
Death mentioned Episode 7 as a collage of movie previews, and he proves right! You may also have noticed how these last episodes haven't exactly been in the canon of the series, but fear not, we're traveling back to familiar waters.
So, before I delve into some other tidbits concerning Episodes 8 and 9, I thought you might be interested in the DVD that we're making with our series. Yes, we've green - lit our own season 1 collection. It's going to be packed with bonus features, hopefully a commentary and maybe a behind the scenes feature. Due to complications the original 5 episodes cannot be re-released in hi-def but look forward to the rest of the season in pristine quality.
Oh yeah, I have a script for an episode that might be used in the future. It deals with the zombie outbreak mentioned in Episode 2.
So there you go, two updates in a row to satiate your need for Why Not. Look out for Episode 7.
Why do I work so hard on this stuff? I have seven pages worth of three different scripts, six pages of two other scripts, and a half written season finale. Episode seven is also now in production, the ending portion of which I ruined with some shotty directing and cutting. I'm going to fix that before we proceed to audio.
Also in production is a little side thing that I'm trying to do to test out my capture card. I haven't had time lately between obligations and working on the main series material to actually film anything. The test video itself is essentially a take on Rockstar's 2003 hit, "Manhunt". It is pretty much the same thing and it works beautifully as a way to see how my new capture card handles action sequences. The final product(fully filmed, cut, blah, blah, blah)holds the sweet or bitter answer to that question. It also is my first shot at drama, which is fucking hard as shit to do in HALO 3. I love the challenge, though. Still not as difficult as episode four and five, though. It is, however, close. Very close. If it shat a solid turd at episode four and five, the turd would actually be close enough to propell into the episodes.
I digress.
Also, as a time line, keep in mind that the season finale of our series is coming up in the next few weeks. We'll be back next year at the same time for the main series. There may be some mini series stuff spread in between, though, so keep an ear to the ground for rumblings on that. In the mean time, you'll have to suffer through the bitter sweet tears of the Why Not? cast of characters vanishing into the ether of homework and rehearsals. Well, at least for me. Wargod has free range on producing a mini series based on the Why Not? Series. With a new microphone at my disposal, I can always e-mail him vocals for any of the characters.
So here's the run down of what we'll have for you in the coming weeks in a handy dandy list. We don't have any dates for any of our stuff, but just to let you know:
Episode VII- Coming Attractions. Movie trailer after movie trailer. Why Not? Productions illustrates its hand at the most dramatic, thrilling, heartbreaking, and erotic movies that will ever be made. Episode VIII-Remnants. [Production] The world is coming slowly back into focus as a juggernaut returns to power. Also, some loose ends are tied up as to how Gruff has survived so very much.
Episode VIIII-[In preproduction.] Episode X- Embodiment. [Season Finale] Zero hour. A quest for an anchient power becomes an obsession for one man. Unfortunately, finding it may mean the undoing of the entire world.
I would place my one off episode here as well, but I don't want it under the "Why Not? Productions" name in case it blows complete chunks. Anyway, I should probably go sleep now. It's six in the morning.
So by now you've noticed that Episode 7 didn't release exactly as planned, but fear not, for we here at Why Not? Productions are still developing it. I have a script 95% completed, and I'm sure Death58 will have something cooking in the works. Of course, most of the time we end up ditching our ideas and forming a new one on the spot (I'm looking at you EP's 1, 3 and 6), but hey, it's whatever works in this crazy world. So look forward to a new episode soon. Tell your friends, your co-workers, your worst enemies. Hell, tell yourself. Peace out.
Now I want some steak with a hamburger and a side of bacon. I might even have some meat loaf for dessert. I can't speak for anyone else at Why Not? Productions, but I'm getting sick of being labeled a villain just because I eat meat.
It's not like I have teeth specifically there for the purpose of tearing into it?
Listen, I try not to judge people in any sort of way, but this is rediculous! Some very, very close friends of mine are vegetarians. They eat what they want and don't pretend that they're so much better than everyone else. I just can't stand that the fucking support group says they're "nonjudgementals" when that's the entire purpose there's a group anyway. Be like any decent person that doesn't want to eat meat and just do what you want instead of putting yourself on some fucking pedastool like you're a martyr.
You idiots out there will misinterpret me, so I'm going to be sure to clarify; I don't have a problem with vegetarians, I have a problem with people putting themselves on a pedastool. I've always had a problem with people judging each other, and I'm glad somebody called these assholes out.
I should probably start posting on my own blog with this kind of stuff...